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来源:未知 发布时间 2019-10-21 12:01:20


Double flag coins came into being during the Republic of China. After several years of deliberation in the coin market, the coin trading market dominated by machine-made coins is quietly warming up. The copper-yellow appearance not only gives people a dignified sense of historical vicissitudes, but also attracts the attention of quite a large number of professionals in the market.  According to the general consensus in the coin collection circle, for a coin, the side that can clearly identify the name of the coin or show the most important characteristics of the coin should be called "face", while the opposite side should be called "back", the side with the word "Republic of China" with distinctive epoch-making revolutionary and progressive significance should be called "face", and the other side with its corresponding recorded value should be called "back".


中华民国双旗币贰佰文包浆醇厚,锈色古朴,纹饰精美,且比较稀少,实属难得,收藏价值甚高。钱币正面珠圈内花卉、嘉禾纹摇曳绽放,尤显生机,春意盎然,独特的纹饰承载着人们美好的愿景与浓厚的文化气息,珠圈外上环铸有“中华民国”四字,下环铸刻“当贰佰文铜元”六字;钱币背面中央为两面交叉的国旗图案,旗帜随风飘扬,自然舞动,旗后系有缨带,双旗寓意全国一统与民族大团结,上环为英文“HO-NAN”,下为“200 CASH”。此币保存完整,有自然磨损痕迹,但其色泽自然,铸造精美,轮廓明显,历史沉淀浓郁,历史价值深厚,为民国不可多得的钱币精品,具有很高的历史价值,值得收藏。

The double flag coin of the Republic of China, with its rich paste, rustic color and exquisite decoration, is rare and of great collection value.  On the front of the coin, flowers and Jiahe lines in the bead ring are swaying and blooming, especially showing vitality and full of spring. The unique patterns carry people's beautiful vision and strong cultural atmosphere. The four characters "Republic of China" are cast on the outer ring of the bead ring, and the six characters "Dang Er Bai Wen Tong Yuan" are cast on the lower ring.  In the middle of the back of the coin is a national flag pattern crossed by two sides. The flag flutters with the wind and dances naturally. Behind the flag is a tassel belt. The two flags symbolize national unity and national unity. The upper ring is "HO-NAN" in English and the lower is "200 CASH".  This coin is well preserved and has traces of natural wear, but it has natural color, exquisite casting, obvious outline, rich historical deposition and profound historical value. It is a rare coin of the Republic of China and has high historical value and is worth collecting.


在古币的市场交易中,民国双旗铜币更是备受青睐,在我国前史上仅仅存在了几十年的时间,钱币在阅历了无穷的年月以后,仍然能够完好地保留下来,实属不易。铜币当时面值以当十、当二十为主,当五十面值的相当少见,当贰百文的就更佳难得,非常珍贵。制作精美,图案考究,文字清秀,内容丰富,其貌可人,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。In the market transactions of ancient coins, the double-flag copper coins of the Republic of China are even more popular. They only existed for several decades in the former history of our country. It is really not easy for coins to remain intact after experiencing endless years.  At that time, the denominations of copper coins were mainly 10 and 20, while those of 50 were quite rare, and those of 200 were even more rare and very precious.  It is exquisitely made, exquisitely patterned, beautifully written, rich in content, pleasing in appearance, and has certain functions of preserving and appreciating value.




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